+357 25342720
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A new public transport system was recently launched in Cyprus to expand the Bus network across Cyprus and bring it up to European standards. The newly created Cyprus Public...
When you have a vacancy in your company, how do you know who is the right candidate is for the position and your team? With the help of a...
The employee handbook is a crucial document for the running of any business. Also known as the staff handbook, it describes the company’s mission, policies, and culture. But more...
Winning the grand prize of recruitment is finding a fast, straightforward, and precise method to shortlist candidates instantly. Hiring the right candidate is a time-consuming and challenging task that...
Hiring a new employee is a crucial and difficult decision to make. Bad hires can lead to unwanted costs, high turnover, a decrease in team morale and productivity, and...
If you are a business that doesn’t conduct performance appraisals, then you are missing out on all the positive ways that they affect the operation of your business. Employee...